Watched “DANCE SPEAKS” by Star Dances Ballet Company


It had been a while to go to see live ballet performance✨

This time I went to see the performance by Star Dancers Ballet Company. I enjoyed the show very much at Tokyo Metropolitan Theater.

The performance title was “DANCE SPEAKS”. They performed “Serenade”, “Malasangre”, and “Green Table”.

Every work was very beautiful, but this time I would like to talk about “Green Table” which was the one I wanted to see for long time.

【Green Table】
Green Table was a work that had a stronger impact than I expected.
It made me think very much, and I felt that I would like many people to see this work as a person who live this age.

A war begins in the decisions of national leaders who advocate the cause for the country. However, soldiers and citizens on the battlefield will not benefit or be happy from the war. People feel death closer in daily life that used to be calm.

This work touched my heart.

It’s a shame that 90 years after the work was created, the same problem still occurs, but I was impressed by the message that never faded.
